CCP5 Prize and Lectures

Nomination Process

The call for nominations opens on 26th July 2024. Nominations are open until 2nd of September 2024. Self-nominations are accepted, members of the selection committee cannot nominate themselves.

The Award

The CCP5 Prize and Lecture is awarded biennially to an outstanding scientist (from the UK or overseas) active member of the CCP5 community working in the field of classical molecular simulation — software, method development and/or applications. Nominees should be a mid-career scientist typically within 20 years from their PhD. Career breaks will be recognised.

Review Process

Nominations should be accompanied by one reference letter written by a colleague and the nominee’s CV. All nominations are scored by a select committee. The decision of the awarding committee is final, and the committee reserves the right to make no award if no candidate is deemed to be of sufficient merit. The award will be announced at the CCP5 Annual General Meeting (AGM) where the winner will give a plenary lecture.

Please email the nomination and the attached documents to, putting as subject: Nomination for CCP5 Prize 2024.


The winner will be awarded £1000, a certificate and will have all reasonable expenses covered to attend the AGM.

Full list of previous winners.