summer school feedback

Thank you for attending 2022 CCP5 summer school! We would like your feedback on how well we did. Please fill in the form below and submit it, it is totally anonymous.

CCP5 Summer School Feedback
Were the aims and scope of the basic lectures (days 1 to 8) clear?
0 – unclear 4 – crystal clear
Overall were the basic lectures clearly presented?
you can add specific comments in the comments box below
How good was the use of visual aids during basic lectures?
Was the basic course well structured?
How interesting were the basic lectures?
Were the basic lectures lecturers prepared to take questions?
Which advanced topic did you follow?
Were the aims and scope of the advanced lectures clear?
Were the advanced lectures clearly presented?
How good was the use of visual aids during advanced lectures?
Was the advanced course well structured?
How interesting were the advanced lectures?
Was the lecturer of advanced lectures prepared to take questions?
Did you attend the advanced course out of curiosity or direct need in your research?
Were the notes for practicals clear and helpful?
Was there too little or too much to do in the exercises
Were the demonstrators available and helpful?
Were the exercises too easy or too hard?
Was the IT infrastructure satisfactory?
How would you rate the school overall?