Summer School 2018

The Summer School 2018 will take place at Lancaster University, 8th July – 17th July 2018. Organised by CCP5 and sponsored by the CECAM organisation, this School is intended for newcomers to the science of molecular simulation and will provide a comprehensive introduction to the methodology, practical sessions on computational methods and examples of the power and versatility of simulation methods.

An optional two day programming course will be available at extra cost, see registration form on 7th and 8th July 2018. Students can choose between Introduction to Fortran or Introduction to Python. These two extra days will be restricted to 20 participants only so please provide a justification if you want to participate. 

Arrival Information                      Campus Map                  Timetable                    Registration

As in previous Summer Schools, the first five days of the course will cover the basics of molecular simulation and the remaining four days will be devoted to more advanced courses. Course notes will be provided. In addition to the course lectures, practical sessions will take place in which students will undertake relevant computational exercises.

Accommodation and food will be provided at no extra cost.

Important Dates

15 March 2018 – deadline for applications

15th April 2018 – deadline for applications
4 May 2018 – deadline for payment of fees

7 July 2018 Programming Pre-course

8 July 2018 Arrival at Summer School

9 July 2017 – start of the Summer School
17 July 2017 – end of the Summer School

Pre courses Programming

  • Introduction to Modern Fortran (6 lectures, 4 practical sessions)
  • Introduction to Python

Basic Courses

  • An Overview of Molecular Simulation 
  • Introduction to Practical Session
  • Statistical Mechanics (2 lectures)
  • Molecular Dynamics (3 lectures)
  • Monte Carlo Methods (3 lectures)
  • Free Energy Methods (2 lectures)
  • Optimisation Methods
  • Introduction to Force Fields
  • Advanced classical MD
  • Practicals (10 sessions over 5 afternoons)

Advanced Courses

Organising Committee

  • Dr Paola Carbone, University of Manchester
  • Dr Colin Freeman, Universify of Sheffield
  • Dr Andrew Kerridge, University of Lancaster
  • Dr Alin Elena, STFC Daresbury Laboratory


First Principles simulations
Mesoscale methods
Simulation of Organic and Bio Molecules

Research Seminar Speakers

Student Seminar

Paul Smith, King’s College London, UK, The Interaction of Low Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid with Lipid Membranes

Maria Vanina Chiarpotti, National University of Cuyo, Argentina, Liquids confined in nanoporous solids

Dibyajyoti Dutta, T U Kaiserslautern, Germany, 

Jezabel Boni, University of Manchester,

Roy Aerts, University of Antwerp, Experimental Raman Optical Activity, Electronic Circular Dichroism and Molecular Dynamics Simulations for the Elucidation of the Structural Behaviour of Amylases Under Various Temperature and pH conditions

Roya Moghaddasi Fereidani, University of Toronto

CCP5 Poster Prizes

1. Kimberly Bowal, University of Cambridge

2. Ageo Meier de Andrade, Uppsala University

3. Jan Joswig, Freie University Berlin

CCP5 Student Talk Prizes

1. Paul Smith, King’s College London

2. Maria Vanina Chiarpotti, Universidad de Cuyo, Argentina