DL_ANALYSER – Registration for Academic use

DL_ANALYSER is supplied free to individuals under an academic licence, which is free to acedamics pursuing scientific research of a non-commercial nature. Commercial organisations interested in acquiring the package should approach Chin Yong at Daresbury Laboratory in the first instance. Daresbury Laboratory is the sole centre for distribution of the package.

Please complete an online registration form below. The software is provided under the terms of a licence which may be viewed on this page. You are advised to read the licence before proceeding to registration.

When you complete a Registration Form for the DL_ANALYSER Software and submit it to STFC, your institution (in the Registration Form and the Licence Agreement called “the Licensee”) is entering into a contract with The Science and Technology Facilities Council (“STFC”) on the terms set out in the Licence Agreement below.
By submitting the Registration Form to STFC, you are confirming that:

  1. the institution whose name appears as the Licensee in the Registration Form agrees to the terms of the Licence Agreement;
  2. you have authority to agree to the terms of the Licence Agreement and to enter into a contract with STFC on behalf of that institution;
  3. the DL_ANALYSER Software will be used only for Academic Purposes (as defined in the Licence Agreement);
  4. the information given on the Registration Form is true.

Please read the terms of the Licence Agreement carefully. If you do not agree to them, you should not submit the Registration Form. A contract between the Licensee and STFC will come into existence when you click on the SUBMIT button at the end of the Registration Form.

*NOTE: Once approved, DL_ANALYSER will be sent via email. So please make sure your email address is correct.

Register for DL_ANALYSER

Register for DL_ANALYSER

Science Domain (Choose one that is closest)
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