Dear Colleague, Some minor updates to DL_MESO 2.7 have been made and are now available for registered users to download as a revised version of the package (2.7 rev 10). You do not need to re-register for this update if you have previously registered for an earlier form of version 2.7: the revised package can be downloaded from the same location as before and decrypted using the same password. If you would like to use version 2.7 but have not yet registered for this version (e.g. if you have previously registered for version 2.6), please do so via the link from the DL_MESO website at This revision makes changes solely to the DPD code and one of its utilities. Further changes have been made to the assignment of long-range corrections to potentials and virials for Lennard-Jones interactions, which now lead to correctly reported potential energies, stress tensors and system pressures in OUTPUT and CORREL files. (This fix has no effect on the barostats, which had been using correctly-calculated instantaneous pressures.) The Widom insertion utility has also been modified to give correct long-range potential energies for the same interaction type, as well as ensuring cutoff distances for many-body DPD, short-range electrostatic and surface interactions are correctly used in chemical potential calculations. Along with minor updates to the User Manual, README and files, this revision now comes with the DL_MESO Technical Manual, which has been written as a guide for more advanced users and developers on how the codes work and have been written, including details on file formats and suggestions on how the codes can be modified to add additional features, interaction types etc. Many thanks are due to Vlad Sokhan at UKRI STFC Daresbury Laboratory for identifying the long-range corrections bug in DL_MESO's DPD code and the Widom insertion utility, and to Rachel Hendrikse at Durham University for identifying and suggesting the bug fix for cutoff distances in the same utility. A new one-stop learning resource for new and current users of DL_Software, including DL_MESO, is now available. The DL_Software Digital Guide (DL_SDG) includes tutorials, installation information and practical exercises on using several DL_Software packages (DL_POLY, DL_FIELD, DL_MESO and DL_ANALYSER), as well as a Knowledge Centre providing additional information on modelling methods (including the mesoscale methods LBE and DPD). The guide is available at Michael Seaton 2022-03-21