Dear Colleague, Some minor updates to DL_MESO 2.7 have been made and are now available for registered users to download as a revised version of the package (2.7 rev 06). You do not need to re-register for this update if you have previously registered for an earlier form of version 2.7: the revised package can be downloaded from the same location as before and decrypted using the same password. If you would like to use version 2.7 but have not yet registered for this version (e.g. if you have previously registered for version 2.6), please do so via the link from the DL_MESO website at Changes made to DL_MESO include an error message bug fix to the DPD code to correctly report missing export files when attempting to restart a simulation and the inclusion of a new utility to convert trajectory data into an XML-based format for visualization in OVITO as an alternative to VMD, especially for Mac users who cannot currently use VMD due to macOS's recent removal of 32-bit application support. (Many thanks are due to Rick Anderson at STFC Hartree Centre for reporting the incorrect error issue.) Michael Seaton 2019-12-02