Dear Colleague, Some updates to DL_MESO 2.7 have been made and are now available for registered users to download as a revised version of the package (2.7 rev 05). You do not need to re-register for this update if you have previously registered for an earlier form of version 2.7: the revised package can be downloaded from the same location as before and decrypted using the same password. If you would like to use version 2.7 but have not yet registered for this version (e.g. if you have previously registered for version 2.6), please do so via the link from the DL_MESO website at Changes made to DL_MESO include bug fixes in the LBE code for Swift free-energy interactions (specifically the parameters used for local equilibria for 3D lattices, gradient calculations and implementations of Inamuro and kinetic boundary conditions) and Lishchuk wall wetting forces, an additional error message in the DPD code to catch missing "finish" directives in FIELD files when defining molecules, a bug in the Java GUI when reading wall interaction parameters from the input file lbin.sys and a correction to the expression for the exact Slater-type smeared charge potential in real space in the user manual. (Many thanks are due to Martin Bates at the University of York for the correction to the charge potential expression, Karel Sindelka at ICPF in Prague for the suggestion of the additional error message, and Ehsan Kian Far at the University of Manchester for identifying the LBE code bugs and suggesting fixes.) Additional updates to the user manual have also been made. Michael Seaton 2019-10-03