Dear Colleague, Some updates to DL_MESO 2.7 have been made and are now available for registered users to download as a revised version of the package (2.7 rev 02). You do not need to re-register for this update if you have previously registered for an earlier form of version 2.7: the revised package can be downloaded from the same location as before and decrypted using the same password. If you would like to use version 2.7 but have not yet registered, please do so via the link from the DL_MESO website at Changes made to DL_MESO include new error messages in the DPD code to ensure smeared charge schemes have length scales specified (in place of defaulting to point charges) and system pressure is provided when using ensembles with barostats, additional checks when reading CONFIG and export files to ensure total particle numbers are correct (based on FIELD files), as well as an additional chapter in the user manual as a quickstart guide to compile and run DL_MESO and other small corrections. Michael Seaton 2019-02-15