Dear Colleague, A number of bugs have been found in some of the utilities of DL_MESO 2.6. Two of the utilities for the Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) code - convert-input.cpp and molecule-generate.cpp - and one of the utilities for the Lattice Boltzmann Equation (LBE) code - lbeplot3dgather.cpp - all include assignment to a Boolean variable based on the existence of a file input stream. This had been carried out directly in these utilities, but compilers (e.g. GCC 6) using more recent C++ standards (e.g. C++14) produce errors identifying incompatibilities in converting input file stream types to Booleans. Note that compilers using earlier C++ standards can often still compile these utilities without modification. (Many thanks are due to Jernej Zidar at the Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore, for identifying these bugs and suggesting the fixes below.) To fix these bugs, line 1174 in convert-input.cpp and line 1136 in molecule-generate.cpp can be changed to: return (bool)ifile; and line 126 in lbeplot3dgather.cpp can be changed to: all data = (bool)myfile1; We strongly recommend that all registered users of DL_MESO version 2.6 should either make the above code changes or re-download the package using the instructions received on registration to get the corrected version of the software. Re-registration is not required as the decryption password has not changed. Michael Seaton 2017-12-01