Dear Colleague, A bug has been spotted in the Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) code of DL_MESO version 2.6. When running the DPD code in parallel, MPI communications for creating the boundary halo used for local density calculations in many-body DPD are currently not being synchronised properly. This can cause the particle data sent between processors to be transferred incorrectly and result in unexpected errors during calculations of local densities, particularly due to incorrect determination of particle species. (Many thanks are due to Maria Panoukidou at the University of Manchester for bringing this bug to our attention.) To fix this bug, an additional line in the exportdensity subroutine of domain_module.f90 needs to be included. The following line should be inserted immediately before line 3076 of domain_module.f90 (the line containing the NULLIFY statement): CALL msg_wait (iput) Please note that no corrections are necessary for the serial version of the code. We strongly recommend that all registered users of DL_MESO version 2.6 should either make the above code change or re-download the package using the instructions received on registration to get the corrected version of the software. Re-registration is not required and the same password is used for decryption. Michael Seaton 2017-01-24