Dear Colleague, Two bugs have been spotted: one in the Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) code of DL_MESO version 2.6 and another in one of its utilities. Checks are carried out when allocating memory for arrays in the DPD code, particularly when information is being read in from input files. One of these checks for the FIELD file, however, is carried out incorrectly and may not necessarily detect an allocation failure. To fix the above bug, please change line 1698 in config_module.f90 to: INTEGER :: fail (13) and increase the indices of the fail array in lines 1727 to 1735 of the same file by 1, i.e. change these lines to: ALLOCATE (bdinp1 (nmoldef, mxbonds), bdinp2 (nmoldef, mxbonds), bdinp3 (nmoldef, mxbonds), STAT=fail(8)) ALLOCATE (anginp1 (nmoldef, mxangles), anginp2 (nmoldef, mxangles), anginp3 (nmoldef, mxangles), & &anginp4 (nmoldef, mxangles), STAT=fail(9)) ALLOCATE (dhdinp1 (nmoldef, mxdiheds), dhdinp2 (nmoldef, mxdiheds), dhdinp3 (nmoldef, mxdiheds), & &dhdinp4 (nmoldef, mxdiheds), dhdinp5 (nmoldef, mxdiheds), STAT=fail(10)) ALLOCATE (mlstrtxxx (nmoldef, mxmolsize), mlstrtyyy (nmoldef, mxmolsize), mlstrtzzz (nmoldef, mxmolsize), STAT=fail(11)) ALLOCATE (cbsize (nmoldef), STAT=fail(12)) ALLOCATE (vvv (mxprm, npot), gamma (npot), sigma (npot), aasrf (nspe), interact (npot, 3), STAT=fail(13)) The DPD utility dipoleaf.f90 (which calculates autocorrelation functions of dipole moments) includes a section that determines the number of timesteps in the available HISTORY files. A small bug currently exists that may mean this section does not work properly. To fix this, please change line 110 in dipoleaf.f90 to: READ (ntraj, IOSTAT=ioerror) time, mbeads, dx, dy, dz, shrdx, shrdy, shrdz We strongly recommend that all registered users of DL_MESO version 2.6 should either make the above code changes or re-download the package using the instructions received on registration to get the corrected version of the software. Re-registration is not required and the same password is used for decryption. Michael Seaton 2016-03-01