Dear Colleague, A bug has been discovered in one of the post-processing utilities for the Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) code of DL_MESO 2.6. The traject_selected.f90 utility (normally invoked using the executable trajects.exe) is supposed to write out the positions of all particles within a user-specified range of particle indices between time steps chosen by the user to a file called traject.vtf. Unfortunately, as the utility currently stands, it will write out the positions of particles within the particle index range for all timesteps before the first one specified by the user. Many thanks are due to Chunwang Peng (South China University of Technology, Guangzhou) for bringing this bug to our attention. To fix the bug, please change lines 336, 334 and 352 in traject_selected.f90 (all three instances) to: IF (global>=first .AND. global<=last .AND. k>=stepsfirst) THEN We strongly recommend that all registered users of DL_MESO version 2.6 should either make the above code change or re-download the package using the instructions received on registration to get the corrected version for the software. Re-registration is not required and the same password is used for decryption. Michael Seaton 2016-01-11