Dear Colleague, A bug has been discovered in the Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) code of DL_MESO 2.5. When reading CONFIG files containing molecules, incorrect indices are calculated for arrays used to assign global particle numbers to the particles in each molecule. Some Fortran90 compilers will correctly report an error in array bounds or a segmentation fault when the code is run, but others may assign nonsensical numbers for particles in molecules. This may have an effect on bonded interactions, as the global particle numbers are used to identify the particles involved, and there may also be issues with visualisation. (This does not affect simulations that are initialised from scratch.) To fix the above problem, change lines 1403-1404 in start_module.f90 to: gb = nusyst + (i - molstart (imol)) + nfold * (molstart (imol) - nusystcell) + & &(ifx + nfoldx * (ify + nfoldy * ifz)) * (molstart(imol+1) - molstart(imol)) We strongly recommend that all registered users should either make the code change listed above or re-download DL_MESO using the instructions they received on registration to obtain the corrected version of the software. Re-registration is not required and the same password is used for decryption. Michael Seaton 2014-12-09