Dear Colleague, A couple of bugs have been discovered in the Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) code of DL_MESO 2.5. The virial terms from bond stretching interactions have been found to be incorrectly calculated. While the forces and potential energies are generally calculated correctly, the resulting system pressures are found to be incorrect (normally too high): this is a particular problem for constant-pressure simulations using a barostat. Many thanks are due to Ming-Tsung Lee at Rutgers University, New Jersey for bringing our attention to this problem and helping to work out a fix. To fix the above problem, change lines 618-627 and lines 1014-1023 in bond_module.f90 to: vir = vir + bforce * rsq ivrl (1) = ivrl (1) + bforce * xdif * xdif ivrl (2) = ivrl (2) + bforce * ydif * ydif ivrl (3) = ivrl (3) + bforce * zdif * zdif strsxx = strsxx - bforce * xdif * xdif strsxy = strsxy - bforce * xdif * ydif strsxz = strsxz - bforce * xdif * zdif strsyy = strsyy - bforce * ydif * ydif strsyz = strsyz - bforce * ydif * zdif strszz = strszz - bforce * zdif * zdif The force term for Morse bonds was also found to be incorrect. This problem can be fixed by changing line 403 in bond_module.f90 to: force = 2.0_dp * welldepth * wellsize * term * (1.0_dp - term) / r The expression for the Marko-Siggia bond potential was correct in the DPD code but incorrectly stated in the user manual. A corrected version of the user manual can now be downloaded from the DL_MESO website ( We strongly recommend that all registered users should either make the code changes listed above or re-download DL_MESO using the instructions they received on registration to obtain the corrected version of the software. Re-registration is not required and the same password is used for decryption. Michael Seaton 2014-06-14