Dear Colleague, A number of bugs have been discovered in the Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) code of DL_MESO 2.5 and its post-processing utilities. In systems created from scratch involving multiple species of unbonded particles and frozen particle walls, frozen particles are mistakenly included in the algorithm for assigning species for unbonded non-frozen particles, causing an infinite loop. (Many thanks are due to Mary McDonald from The University of New South Wales, Sydney for bringing our attention to this bug.) To fix this bug, changes to start_module.f90 are required. Please change line 829 to gbltotnbd (idnode+1) = nubeads - nfbeads replace line 836 with IF (lfrzn (ispe)==0) THEN and insert END IF immediately after line 840. The same IF statement as above should be inserted immediately before line 846 and END IF should be included immediately after line 859, i.e. lines 846 to 859 should only be executed for non-frozen species. Line 865 should be changed to DO i = 1, (nubeads - nfbeads) and line 883 should be modified to the following: k = (nubeads - nfbeads) * mtrnd (idnode) + nfbeads + 1 Minor errors in the ewald_frozen_slater routine of ewald_module.f90 - used to calculate corrections for pairs of charged frozen particles - were also discovered. To correct these errors, please insert the following immediately after line 572: nfcboffset = 0 change line 575 to IF (lfrzn (ltp (i))>0 .AND. ABS(chge (ltp (i)))>1.0e-16_dp) THEN and change line 583 to IF (idnode>0) nfcboffset = SUM (nfcbead(1:idnode)) The endianness checks in the traject.f90, trajectselected.f90, local.f90, exportconfig.f90 and exportimage.f90 utilities have been shown to be unreliable. In particular, it has been demonstrated that these checks are less likely to work when HISTORY* files are particularly large, i.e. larger than approximately 350MB. (Many thanks are due to Ming-Tsung Lee from Rutgers University, New Jersey for bringing our attention to this problem.) To fix the problem, we recommend that the endianness checks in each of these codes are commented out or removed: these can be found in lines 123-140 of exportconfig.f90, lines 152-169 of exportimage.f90, lines 64-81 of local.f90, lines 59-76 of traject.f90 and lines 58-75 of trajectselected.f90. All subsequent instances of opening export* or HISTORY* files should also be modified; for instance, lines 82 to 88 of traject.f90: IF (bigend) THEN OPEN (ntraj, file = 'HISTORY0000', access = 'sequential', form = 'unformatted', & &status = 'unknown', convert = 'big_endian') ELSE OPEN (ntraj, file = 'HISTORY0000', access = 'sequential', form = 'unformatted', & &status = 'unknown', convert = 'little_endian') END IF should be replaced with OPEN (ntraj, file = 'HISTORY0000', access = 'sequential', form = 'unformatted', & &status = 'unknown') noting that both the IF statement detecting the value of big end and the convert parameter in the OPEN statement are omitted. If any of the utilities are to be run on different computers to those used for DPD calculations, it may be necessary to compile them with a compiler flag to switch the endianness: please refer to the documentation for your Fortran90 compiler to determine what form this should take. We strongly recommend that all registered users of DL_MESO version 2.5 should either make the code changes listed above or re-download DL_MESO using the instructions they received on registration to obtain the corrected version of the software. Re-registration is not required and the same password is used for decryption. Michael Seaton 2014-05-06