Dear Colleague, Bugs have been found in the Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) code and one of the DPD utililties of DL_MESO 2.5. Incorrect modifications to the Ewald reciprocal space coordinates for shearing systems are currently being applied due to a logic bug. To fix this bug, please replace line 293 in ewald_module.f90 with IF (srfz>0) THEN The utility exportconfig.f90 (which produces a CONFIG file from restart files) also includes a bug that causes an error message when the restart file includes a second set of forces, i.e. when DPD Velocity Verlet integration is used for the simulation. To fix this bug, please replace line 37 with REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE :: xxx (:), yyy (:), zzz (:), vxx (:), vyy (:), vzz (:) REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE :: fxx (:), fyy (:), fzz (:), fvv (:) line 41 with REAL(KIND=dp) :: vold, delx, dely, delz, not1, nmin insert the following line immediately before line 218 limit = MAXVAL (nbeads) replace line 220 with IF (levcfg>1) ALLOCATE (fxx (nsyst), fyy (nsyst), fzz (nsyst), fvv (limit)) and lines 286 to 299 inclusive with IF (varforce) THEN READ (nsave+j-1) (fvv (i), i = 1, bd) DO i = 1, bd fxx (lab(i)) = fxx (lab(i)) + fvv (i) END DO READ (nsave+j-1) (fvv (i), i = 1, bd) DO i = 1, bd fyy (lab(i)) = fyy (lab(i)) + fvv (i) END DO READ (nsave+j-1) (fvv (i), i = 1, bd) DO i = 1, bd fzz (lab(i)) = fzz (lab(i)) + fvv (i) END DO END IF Minor corrections have also been made to the user manual: this can be downloaded from the main DL_MESO website. We strongly recommend that all registered users of DL_MESO version 2.5 should either make the above code changes or re-download the package using the instructions received on registration to get the corrected version of the software. Re-registration is not required and the same password is used for decryption. Michael Seaton 2012-10-12