Dear Colleague, Two bugs have been found in the Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) code of DL_MESO 2.5. When using the DPD thermostat with the DPD Velocity Verlet (DPD-VV) integration algorithm, the incorrect import routines are currently being called for importing of recalculated dissipative forces when the system is not undergoing Lees-Edwards shearing. This runs the risk of the system not being thermostatted correctly when running in parallel. (In serial running, the import routines for dissipative forces with and without shear are functionally identical.) To fix this bug, please change lines 735, 1043 and 1247 in integrate_module.f90 (currently calling the routine importdata_dpdvv2_shear for CASE DEFAULT) to CALL importdata_dpdvv2 (nlimit) to call the dissipative force import routines without shear. When using the DPD utility molecule-generate.cpp: if a harmonic cosine angle or a harmonic dihedral interaction is specified, a superfluous interaction type of the next kind (cosine angle or harmonic cosine dihedral) with identical parameters is erroneously written to the FIELD file. This bug can be fixed by adding the following line immediately before lines 891 and 912 in molecule- generate.cpp: break; which prevents running into the instructions for the subsequent case. We strongly recommend that all registered users should either make the code changes listed above or re-download DL_MESO using the instructions they received on registration to obtain the corrected version of the software. Re-registration is not required and the same password is used for decryption. Michael Seaton 2012-08-06