Dear Colleague, Two bugs have been found in the Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) code of DL_MESO 2.5 related to Lees-Edwards shearing in parallel and the Langevin barostat. The parallel deport, export and import routines for Lees-Edwards shearing include determining possible destination processes for beads passing through the boundary or being in the boundary halo. For situations when the boundary does not move in a particular direction, however, a superfluous modification to the destination processes is made and particles are thus sent to the wrong processes. This can result in the system temperature settling to an artificially high value. Many thanks are due to Martin Walker (Durham University) for identifying this bug. This bug can be fixed by making changes to the following subroutines in domain_module.f90: deport_shear, import_shear, importvariable_shear, importdensity_shear, export_shear, exportvelocity_shear and exportdensity_shear. In these subroutines, each instance of the following lines: IF (test1==0.0_dp) THEN id1 = id1 - 1 test1 = test1 + side1 END IF IF (test2==0.0_dp) THEN id2 = id2 - 1 test2 = test2 + side2 END IF should be changed to: IF (test1==0.0_dp) test1 = side1 IF (test2==0.0_dp) test2 = side2 The same two lines should also be inserted immediately after the line: test2 = MOD (dimz-shove2, sidez) for CASE (4) in deport_shear. The current implementation of the Langevin barostat for all available thermostats uses an incorrect value for the random parameter and a convergence condition for particle velocity iteration that becomes increasingly difficult to attain for very large numbers of particles. Many thanks are due to Yaser Afshar (Johannes Gutenberg University) for identifying these problems. To fix these problems, line 13 in constants.f90 should be changed to REAL(KIND=dp), PARAMETER :: langepsilon=1.0e-6_dp line 196 in config_module.f90 should be changed to sigmalang = SQRT (2.0_dp * bbaro * psmass * temp / tstep) and for each Langevin barostat implementation in integrate_module.f90, i.e. each subroutine ending with _lang, the two separate expressions in the DO-WHILE loops: conv = conv + ABS (vxx (i) - nvx (i)) + ABS (vyy (i) - nvy (i)) + ABS (vzz (i) - nvz (i)) converg = conv should be respectively changed to conv = conv + (vxx (i) - nvx (i)) * (vxx (i) - nvx (i)) + (vyy (i) - nvy (i)) * (vyy (i) - nvy (i)) + & &(vzz (i) - nvz (i)) * (vzz (i) - nvz (i)) converg = conv / REAL(3*(nsyst-nfsyst), KIND=dp) The above changes to the Langevin barostat are also described in a revised version of the user manual, which can be downloaded from the DL_MESO website. The revised version of the package with all of the above changes can be downloaded and decrypted using the same procedure as outlined in the original instructions emailed to registered users. Re-registration is not necessary if you are a current DL_MESO version 2.5 user. Michael Seaton 2012-07-20